Static Shot
Maud Le Pladec

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting the Louvre Museum for the presentation of Static Shot by Maud le Pladec.
The choreographer, Maud Le Pladec and the dancers of the CCN-Ballet de Lorraine take over the Cour Lefuel of the Louvre to present a specially adapted version of their show, Static Shot. A mischievous wink at the fashion industry, Static Shot is a critique, in which bodies slowly break free. Set to music co-written by composer Pete Harden and Chloé Thévenin, the dancers follow each other and cross paths, eventually rebelling and stepping out of the line before returning to join an almost hypnotic procession evoking tribal rituals, ominous figures and the world of urban dance. A true concentration of raw energy orchestrated by the director of the Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans, like a permanent crescendo, this show invites the audience to participate in an endless ecstasy.
Photo: © Laurent Philippe
About the artist

Maud Le Pladec
Maud Le Pladec完成蒙彼利埃国立舞蹈中心(CCN Montpellier)的Ex.e.r.ce培训后,便一直为几位舞蹈编导演绎他们的作品,包括:Georges Appaix、Loïc Touzé、Mathilde Monnier、Mette Ingvartsen和Boris Charmatz。从她的首次演出开始,Maud Le Pladec就在舞蹈与音乐之间建立了牢固的联系。在她的原创作品《Musques Femmes》中,她将研究重心放在了母系音乐传承之上。作为奥尔良国立舞蹈中心(CCN Orléans)的现任主管,她继续探索关于不同流派和文化认同议题。她的最新作品《Silent Legacy》将于2022年阿维尼翁艺术节(Festival d’Avignon)上通过舞蹈表演来审究传承。
照片:© Nicolas Despis