Noé Soulier at the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medicis


Dancer dressed in black, her right arm in the air and looking downward in the gardens of the Villa Medici

In collaboration with the Romaeuropa Festival and the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medicis, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels presented Passages by Noé Soulier.

An outdoor walking production, Passages is distinguished by its mission to reinvent itself in each new location chosen by the choreographer and the dancers.

Before the screening of his latest short film, Fragments, in the Grand Salon, Noé Soulier unveiled a new orchestration for each module of Passages’ choreography, created especially for the gardens of Villa Medici. Each module inhabited a different setting: the audience first discovered the dancers on the terrace and the Piazzale before reaching the Loggia, which served as the stage for the last tableau of this project. Passages was dedicated to the movement of bodies and their evolution in space.

Two dancers jumping with the audience in the background
01 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli
Dancer turned away with arms raised, standing on a low concrete wall
02 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli
Two dancers face to face, standing on a low concrete wall
03 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli
Dancers in front of Villa Medici
04 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli
Dancer with arched back on demi-pointe
05 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli
Dancer dressed in black with her right arm in the air and face turned towards the ground, facing another dancer dressed in black with her left arm in the air and her face turned towards the ground – in the Loggia of the Villa Medici
06 / 06 — Passages, Noé Soulier © Romaeuropa / Cosimo Trimboli

- Passages, Noé Soulier © Mounir Derbal

about the artist


2025年、ダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペルは、ロンドンで開催されるダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル フェスティバルの一環として、ノエ・スーリエの2作品『In the Fall』と『 Close Up』をそれぞれサドラーズ・ウェルズ、英国ロイヤル・バレエ&オペラとのコラボレーションにより上演します。
