Marry me in Bassiani


Danseurs dans Marry Me in Bassiani de (LA)HORDE
2023年10月12日 - 15日 Partner パリ市立劇場
75 min

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting the Théâtre de la Ville for the presentation of Marry Me in Bassiani by (LA)HORDE with the Iveroni Ensemble.

At a traditional wedding in Tbilisi where music and dance run wild, the bride rebels. The ceremony erupts into a techno party. A new Georgia is born!

This is the revival of a performance that made (LA)HORDE a legendary name. The unpredictable trio, already a leading influence, disappeared from the radar in 2018. Where were they hiding? In Tbilisi! And they return, to everyone’s surprise, with the Iveroni Ensemble, a troupe that fiercely embodies the values of an ancestral culture. However they did not by any means give up on tracking down the signs of youth in revolt they found in Bassiani, a techno-club with a reputation well beyond Georgia’s borders. The Iveroni sword-and-heel dance in traditional costume takes unprecedented liberties and becomes the reflection of a society in renewal.

Photo: © Aude Arago

About the collective

Portrait of (LA)HORDE


2023年、ダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペルは、マルセイユ国立バレエ団との新作『Age of Content』を創作し、リヨン・ダンス・ビエンナーレとパリ市立劇場 (テアトル・ド・ラ・ヴィル) で同作品を上演するダンスコレクティブの(ラ)オルドを支援します。このイニシアティブはまた、『ルーム・ウィズ・ア・ヴュー』とニューヨーク大学スカボール・センターとの共同で行われる特別プログラムも上演します。
