

Rachid Ouramdane

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse for the presentation of Variation(s) by Rachid Ouramdane.

Bringing together two intense solos, performed by two magnificent dancers, Ruben Sanchez and Annie Hanauer, Variation(s) creates an extremely musical dance, verging on a state of trance.

Created in 2019, the piece is part of a refined set, with no decor, tending to concentrate the attention on the dance in action and allowing us to better appreciate all its modulations. It is composed of two solos of equal length, performed by two long-time associates of the choreographer. First on stage, Ruben Sanchez moves with extreme vibratory agility on a large rectangular board placed on the ground. Tapping the ground with an otherworldly agility in his feet, striking his body with his hands, this wind-soled colossus generates a very percussive and organic score. Annie Hanauer follows. At one with the music all throughout, crossing the light, sometimes seeming to barely touch the ground, she performs a twirling and shimmering dance, punctuated by breathtaking moments, whose fluidity is matched only by its expressiveness. Rich in emotions, stretched towards the perimeter of a trance, the whole is absolutely thrilling.

Jérôme Provençal

Photo: © Nicolas Lelièvre


About the artist


2025年、ダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペルは、ロンドンで開催されるダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル フェスティバルの一環として、サドラーズ・ウェルズとのコラボレーションにより、ジュネーブ大劇場バレエ団が演じるラシッド・ウランダン作『Outsider』を上演します。 



exterior view of Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse


2024年、ダンス リフレクションズ by ヴァン クリーフ&アーペルは、2024-2025年シーズンに9つの作品を上演する、シャイヨー国立舞踊劇場を後援します。

