DANCE PARC: a playground project
Némo Flouret
In 2024, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting Genius Loci for the creation of Némo Flouret’s DANCE PARC: a playground project, an in-situ performance at Maison Bernard.
Invited by Marion Vignal for an unprecedented dialog between dance and Antti Lovag’s architecture, dancer and choreographer Némo Flouret, with the support from Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels, designs an ambulatory performance, DANCE PARC: a playground project.
With this work, the artist continues his research on choreographies that escape the conventional confines of performance venues. This invitation to contemporary dance has emerged as an opportunity to develop a dialogue between architectural forms inspired by the human body and the moving bodies of dancers. The performance proposes a tour to the audience during which the dancers act as guides, interpreters, and actors within the space (please see practical information).
In Némo Flouret’s choreographic trajectory the idea of extremity has always been a crucial starting point for generating gestures, movements, and spatial dramaturgies. DANCE PARC: a playground project is a danced hide-and-seek, a play with perspectives leading the audience to discover Maison Bernard’s sensual forms through bodies that embrace, traverse, and oppose the details of architecture, which has been turned into a playground.
About the choreographer

Némo Flouret
In 2024, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting, in partnership with Genius Loci, Némo Flouret for his creation DANCE PARC: a playground project, an in-situ performance at the Maison Bernard.
About the curator

Marion Vignal
In 2024, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting Genius Loci for the creation of Némo Flouret’s DANCE PARC: a playground project, a performance proposed by Marion Vignal at Maison Bernard.