Sur le fil
Nacera Belaza

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting the Festival d’Automne à Paris to present Sur le fil by Nacera Belaza
Sur le fil is an attempt to escape from oneself, via an infinite acceptation and a going beyond of the frontiers of the body. The choreographer Nacera Belaza preceeds her emblematic piece with a reduction, for children from the Bobigny neighbourhood and Paris. From adult to child, professional to amateur, what do we see in this gesture?
While she was a child, Nacera Belaza felt an undying need to dance alone, in secret. Since then, the choreographer has never taken her eyes off "the shorelines of childhood", adjusting the conditions of each dazzling gesture with infinite exigency, and radical generosity. In returning to the piece she created in 2016, she continues, via the detour it provides her with, to trace and hollow this same line, and to search for "the means by which we can escape from ourselves". The resulting dance does not show itself, it is a state. A state which takes us to the edges of our being, anchored in the body and the imaginary, and to which the uninhibited gaze of childhood, close to the invisible, still has access. The choreographer shares this extreme receptivity with a handful of very special performers, in this instance Dalila Belaza and Aurélie Berland. In a dark space outlined by light, we might see children at the origins of dance, turning and spiraling until others, older than them, take their place and the emptiness persists.
Text : © Mélanie Jouen
Photo: © Claudia Pajewski
About the artist

Nacera Belaza
Nacera Belaza出生於阿爾及利亞,五歲起就在法國生活。在修讀完成現代語言後,她在1989年創立了自己的舞團。自2017年以來,她的舞團一直保持著CERNI地位(具有國內和國際影響力的團體)。二十多年來,這位自學成才的編舞家已經參與了數十場演出。她的作品獲得法國文化部的認可和讚揚,她更在2015年獲頒藝術與文學騎士勳章。2008年,她憑作品《Le Cri》榮膺法國劇評公會最佳新人獎。2017年,SACD為表彰她的舞蹈事業,授予她編舞獎。
照片:© Romain Tissot