Danse en images 2023

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting Danse en Images, a festival established by the cultural section of the French Embassy in China and dedicated to conveying the many faces of dance through film and video.
This year's curator, Liu Chun, proposes a conversation between the body, time, history and culture, under the theme " Quand la danse me parle " ("When dance speaks to me"). The rich and varied program explores both the history of the discipline and the latest developments in contemporary dance, and features the " Collection portraits " series from the Centre national de la danse (CN D), which takes a retrospective look at the history of contemporary dance, highlighting the great choreographers of our time (Lucinda Childs, Maguy Marin, Cindy Van Acker, Fanny de Chaillé, etc.). Choreographic works by Chinese dancers such as WANG Mei, WANG Yabin and SHEN Yingying are also presented. In addition, a video program featuring French and Chinese choreographers (Noé Soulier, Leïla Ka, TANG Shiyi, HU Shenyuan, etc.) is shown in the "black box".
Discover the program taking place in the Auditorium and Black Box of the Institut français de Pékin:
Thursday, December 7
19:00 - 19:15 Opening
19:15 - 20:30
- SHEN Yingying by Shen Yingying ( 4’)
- Möbius by Compagnie XY, show captation (62’)
Friday, December 8
14:00 - 15:50
- Danser l’espace, CN D historical and thematic montages ( 44’)
- Danse traditionnelle contemporaine, CN D historical and thematic montages ( 50’)
15:50 - 17:30
- Round table*: New archives and the renewal of dance histor (90’)
Speakers: Liu Xiaozhen, Wang Mei, Liu Chun, Tian Miao
* Round-table discussion for a Chinese-speaking audience
19:30 - 20:45
- X.Y. by Zhu Xing and Zhu Yue (4’)
- Le Grand Sot by Marion Motin, show captation (70’)
Saturday, December 9
13:00 - 15:00
- Lucinda Childs, getting things moving, CN D Portrait Collection (30’)
- Dance in images, stories in dance, documentary (52’)
- Maguy Marin, or how to say, CN D Portrait Collection ( 30’)
15:30 - 17:30
- Cindy Van Acker, geometrically ours, CN D Portrait Collection (30’)
- Fanny de Chaillé, the gap, CN D Portrait Collection (30’)
- Corps perdu by Xu Yiming ( 24’)
19:00 - 20:10
- Transcender by Wang Yabin (2’)
- Zéphyr by Mourad Merzouki, show captation ( 70’)
Samedi 9 décembre
13:00 - 16:00
Atelier de danse tout public avec Nacera Belaza
(Atelier en français avec traduction en chinois)
Diffusion en boucle
Jeudi 7 décembre : 15:00 - 19:00
Vendredi 8 décembre : 14:00 - 17:30
Samedi 9 décembre 10:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 17:30
- L'Envol de Nacera Belaza (20’)
- Pode Ser de Leïla Ka (9’)
- Fragments de Noé Soulier (17’)
- Guiyi d’Ou Siwei (7’)
- L’épée de la rivière de l'Ouest de Liu Chun ( 4’)
- Chute de Hu Shenyuan ( 2’)
- Fantaisie Hivernale de Yu Erge ( 5’)