
One Song

Histoire(s) du Théâtre IV
Miet Warlop

8月 31 - 9月 2, 2023 Partner La Bâtie-Festival de Genève

In 2023, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels is supporting La Bâtie – Festival de Genève for the presentation of One Song by Miet Warlop.

The Festival begins with an adrenaline rush. In the starting blocks of this choreographic and athletic looping, we find a violinist, a bassist, a keyboardist, a drummer, a cheerleader, a singer, a coach and a song - One Song: “Knock knock / Who’s there? It’s your grief from the past… “

This grief that comes knocking at the door is that linked to the death of Miet Warlop’s brother. She consoled herself with a performance written in 2005 called Sportband / Afgetrainde Klanken. After Milo Rau, Faustin Linyekula and Angélica Liddell, Warlop was invited to direct a piece that would synthesize her entire body of work, as part of the series called Histoire(s) du théâtre. Miet Warlop reprises the form of this requiem. Surprising for a Flemish choreographer who has been wielding absurdist humor and burlesque in unclassifiable pieces for the past fifteen years? Not really. One Song is a metaphor for a gym that dissolves all grief through a ceremonial concert, where one dances themselves into a trance.

Photo: © Michiel Devijver

Five people singing with their hand on the heart
01 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver
Five fans on the bleachers
02 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver
A standing violinist looks forward
03 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver
Six people shouting on the bleachers. A man shouting in the front of of the stage, legs spread apart
04 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver
Six people shouting on the bleachers. A man shouting in the front of of the stage, legs spread apart
05 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver
Nine people sitting on the bleachers as if posing for a picture.
06 / 06 — One Song by Miet Warlop © Michiel Devijver

About the artist

Miet Warlop

Miet Warlop(生於1978年)是一位在根特和布魯塞爾往返生活的比利時藝術家。她擁有根特皇家藝術學院視覺藝術碩士學位。 2004年,她的畢業作品《Huilend Hert, Aangeschoten Wild》在奧斯坦德TAZ藝術節上獲獎。她繼續創作了許多表演,包括2005年的《SPORTBAND / Afgetrainde Klanken》和《Koester de Kersen》。2009年,她首演了《Springville》,隨後於2012年推出《Mystery Magnet》。《Mystery Magnet》贏得多個獎項,目前仍在巡迴演出中。2014年,Warlop創立了自己的舞團Miet Warlop / Irene Wool,並創作了《Dragging the Bone》。她於2016年首演了《Fruits of Labor》,隨後又推出了許多其他大受歡迎的作品。她目前正埋首製作《DELIRIUM》,作品將於2025年春季上演。

照片:© Ivan Put

